7 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Hire an IT Service in Fresno

7 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Fresno IT Service Keeping technology running smoothly has become one of the most important necessities of a healthy and growing business. With just about every operation in today’s office supported by tech, when it’s not well taken care of, multiple areas of a business can suffer. Many business owners in Fresno and beyond hire a professional IT service company to keep their systems managed, monitored, and proactively repaired so they don’t suffer a costly data breach, virus, or unnecessary downtime. Unity IT is proud to be a top Fresno IT service company that helps local businesses reach their goals and peak performance. We assist our clients in protecting some of their most valuable digital assets from theft, loss, and mechanical damage, while keeping their business IT running smoothly. However, we have heard from clients that not all IT services in Fresno are created equal, with some providers offering less in the way of guarantees, technician experience, and a more limited service overall. So, how can you tell up front whether an IT services company is going to be a good fit for your business? By asking the right questions before you hire them. We’ll go over the critical questions to ask a Fresno IT service provider to ensure you find a company that can fully support all your needs affordably, but first, let’s look at why businesses of all sizes, including small businesses, can benefit from working with an IT service provider.

Why Does My Business Need an IT Service Provider?

Data breaches and downtime have become two of the most damaging situations that cause businesses to suffer loss of sales, a damaged reputation, and can sometimes cause them to close their doors completely. The costs of not properly maintaining and monitoring your technology infrastructure are high due to the following things that arise from downtime or data breaches:
  • Loss of productivity
  • Cost of emergency IT repairs
  • Cost of lost sales while down
  • Loss of customer trust and business
  • Costs of regulatory fines due to a data breach
Unfortunately, many small businesses just can’t recover, and 60% end up closing their doors within 6 months of a data breach or major downtown incident. California law requires a business to notify any California residents if their personal data has been exposed during a data breach. The new law, which goes into effect January 1, 2020 has put Fresno businesses on high alert of the need for strong IT management to beef up IT security and protections.

Find the Perfect Fresno IT Company by Asking These Questions First!

With so much on the line, you want to make sure you’re hiring a Fresno IT service that you can trust to have your back, maintain your tech proactively, and be there when you need them for any IT related issues. These critical questions will help you narrow down your search.

1. What experience will the techs working with us have?

Don’t fall for a bait and switch, where you’re provided with the owner’s experience credentials but then later find out that the technician you’re actually working with doesn’t have the same knowledge. Ask specifically about the experience your technician will bring with them.

2. Are there additional costs beyond their main IT service plan?

Some companies find that what they believed was an inclusive IT managed services plan, didn’t cover everything they thought, and they’re hit with surprise costs. Unity IT has truly UNLIMITED service plans and customers are never charged extra for any support charges.

3. What’s your support availability?

If your business is open on weekends and a critical system goes down, you don’t want to get a voice message from your IT provider asking you to call them back on Monday. Unity IT provides 24/7 support, with no extra charge for evening or weekend calls.

4. What service guarantees are provided?

You might just assume that all IT services in Fresno the surrounding area back up their work with a guarantee, but that’s not the case. Be sure you know exactly what your remedy is if you’re not happy with their work before you hire them.

5. Do technicians go through background checks?

When it comes to your sensitive business and client data, you want to make sure you feel good about the IT technicians you’re working with. Ask whether background checks are performed. Unity IT takes security seriously and all our technicians have been through extensive background checks and a security clearance process.

6. Who are some of the companies that you work with?

While an IT provider doesn’t necessarily need to have worked with a company just like yours to provide good IT service, knowing they’re familiar with the applications specific to your industry helps. Ask which types of industry sectors they work with and ask them how much they know about yours.

7. Is proactive monitoring and management provided?

You don’t want to find out that you’re paying for a “break and fix” mentality with an IT services provider. Proactive remote monitoring and management of a network is important to ensuring it has solid security and that any small issues are dealt with before they turn into major problems.

Contact Unity IT Today to See if We’re Your Perfect IT Fit

If you’re looking for an exceptional Fresno IT service that provides unlimited and affordable support with a team of talented and experienced professionals, look no further! Give Unity IT a call to ask us all your IT related questions, we’d love to earn the chance to work with you. Book your free consultation today by calling at 559-297-1007 or using our contact form.