Category Archives: Fresno IT Company

IT Support Checklist for Implementing Telehealth in Your Therapy Practice

Doctor using technology in mental health work to talk to a mother and a daughter about mental health issues

Have you thought about implementing technology in your mental health practice, but aren’t sure where to start? With the fast-growing trend of telehealth, it’s becoming more important for therapy practices to have a solid IT support system in place.  Here is how you can protect your practice from potential IT complications and ensure a smooth […]

How Outsourced IT Can Help You Shift from Reactive to Proactive IT Support

Outsourced IT team working to help a SMB

Small and medium-sized businesses often end up in a never-ending cycle of IT firefighting, where sudden tech failures disrupt your daily operations. This reactive approach drains resources and diverts focus from strategic growth—so what needs to change? The answer is your IT support.  Here’s how outsourced IT services can transform this chaotic pattern into a […]

How Digital Transformation Can Help Your Medical Practice

doctor using an ipad

The ever-changing digital landscape can be difficult to navigate and keep up with. And staying compliant with digital regulations is an added challenge. The benefits of digital transformation in healthcare are worth the effort and can help your practice grow quicker than you can even imagine. Learn more about digital transformation, its benefits, and how […]

7 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Hire an IT Service in Fresno

7 Critical Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Fresno IT Service

Keeping technology running smoothly has become one of the most important necessities of a healthy and growing business. With just about every operation in today’s office supported by tech, when it’s not well taken care of, multiple areas of a business can suffer.