Category Archives: Security

Don’t Get Reeled In: How to Quickly Spot Suspicious Emails

employee using phishing prevention strategies

How often do you check your email? Whether it’s for work or personal use, most of us are constantly checking our inboxes throughout the day. However, with the rise of internet scams and phishing attacks, it’s important to be cautious when opening emails from unknown senders. Let’s discuss phishing prevention tips to protect yourself or […]

How to Safeguard Against Hackers: Expert Strategies for Protection

woman typing password on computer to help with network security

With the world’s reliance on technology, it’s more important than ever for your business to safeguard against cyber criminals. Luckily, we’ve gathered expert strategies from increased network security to email protection that will shield your business from potential threats. Common Types of Cyber Threats If you’re not aware of the common types of cyber threats, […]

How to Protect Your Remote Workforce: Computer Security Strategies


Remote opportunities can significantly increase your company’s productivity. Or, it can expose your network to critical security threats. It’s up to you to ensure the latter doesn’t happen. And since cyber threats have evolved to target remote workers, your company needs strong computer security strategies to protect your assets. The Rise of Remote Work: A […]

Your Business Cybersecurity Checklist for the New Year

employees reviewing cybersecurity checklist

As we usher in a new year, there’s never been a more critical time to prioritize cybersecurity for your business. Just like your annual financial audit, a cybersecurity check is an essential item on your New Year’s to-do list. With new threats comes a new approach—instead of merely responding to threats as they occur, 2024 […]

The True Cost of Data Loss: Why Prevention Is Key

employees discussing the cost of data breach and cybersecurity

Data is everything. It drives businesses, informs decisions, and connects people across the globe. Considering this heavy reliance, it’s no wonder that the cost of data breaches continues to rise year after year. But beyond the hefty financial impact, data loss can have far-reaching consequences that go beyond just monetary losses—and that’s why advanced prevention […]

5 Proactive Methods to Limit the Impact of Data Loss on Your Business

Professional implementing data backup solutions to prevent data loss

No business wants to think about the potential consequences of a data breach—but unfortunately, it’s a situation that’s been happening more and more frequently. A recent study found that 83% of organizations experienced multiple data breaches in 2022. This alarming statistic highlights the need for proactive measures to limit the impact of data loss on […]

What You Need to Know About Email Encryption for Your Business

employee sending email with email encryption

In July of 2023, Chinese intelligence was able to gain access to the emails of 25 different organizations, including U.S. government agencies. They attacked individual email accounts to avoid detection and had access to emails for over a month before getting caught. One cyberattack and gaining access to your emails could be all it takes […]

5 Simple But Effective Ways to Improve Your Cybersecurity

employee learning about cybersecurity best practices on laptop

If you’re asked about your company’s cybersecurity, your first thought might be that your cybersecurity team can handle everything themselves—after all, that’s what they’re hired for, right? While it’s true that IT support is advantageous—businesses with a dedicated cybersecurity team can identify and contain a data breach 54 days faster than businesses without one—there are […]

Why Cybersecurity is a Necessity for Your Nonprofit Organization 

volunteers working at a donation center and discussing nonprofit cybersecurity

As cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and the number of cyber threats rapidly grows, protecting your valuable data from malicious actors is important. Nonprofits have become a popular target which means that your organization and mission may be at risk. Fortunately, with the right security measures in place, you can keep your sensitive data safe […]

A Guide to Local Government Cybersecurity: How to Protect Your Sensitive Data

employee looking at plans for local government cybersecurity

If you work in local government, you know that you have a responsibility to protect the sensitive data that you work with. However, with rapid developments in the tech world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stay on top of all the latest cyber threats. Fortunately, you have the power to fight back against cybercriminals. In […]